Fiber cement siding is one of the strongest options on the market, defiantly fending off damage from flying debris, insects and woodpeckers, and mold and mildew growth. If you’ve invested in this premium siding for your home, then you’re likely enjoying peace of mind knowing that you likely won’t ever have to replace your siding again. However, what you will have to do is maintain it to ensure that it functions as intended.

Low Maintenance Doesn’t Mean No Maintenance

While “low maintenance” is certainly a perk for fiber cement siding, you will have to occasionally inspect and clean it to keep it looking like new. One particular risk, albeit a low one for fiber cement, is the presence of mold and mildew. These fungi thrive in moist environments and, if not removed from your siding, can mar its appearance and degrade its paint.

To clean the siding, use some water and dish soap to scrub the mold and mildew off. If the buildup is too strong to respond to this method, then rent a power-washer from a local home improvement store. Using the power-washer, spray the siding from the top down to remove the stubborn grime.

Another maintenance task that you should perform on occasion is to inspect the caulking where your fiber cement siding meets door frames, bricks, windows, or edges. While caulking is waterproof, it can nonetheless degrade over time. If you notice that some deterioration has occurred, then it’s easy enough to re-caulk the area.

Your Fiber Cement Siding Experts

At BELDON Roofing Company, we’re pleased to install this hardwearing siding for our valued customers. To learn if fiber cement siding is the right choice for your home, contact us today.

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