Roof ponding is an insidious problem, in that the first occurrence will lead to another, and then another. By forming a partnership with a reputable commercial roofing company can you avoid flat roof ponding and preserve the integrity of your building’s roof.


At BELDON®, we recognize that no one person, whether facilities manager or roofing specialist, can do enough to keep a roof in prime condition. Our crews work in teams, and we feel the team approach is a good fit with customers. We recommend an ongoing partnership with your roofer so when you see water pooling on your roof, you know how to deal with it. The strategy involves four strands:

  1. Professional Inspections
  2. Monitoring Devices
  3. Engineering Adjustments 
  4. Emergency Services

Professional Inspections

Arrange for regular (annual or biannual) flat roof inspections. A commercial roofer can recognize signs of flat roof ponding and help preserve your insulation, layers, and finish coat of your roof. Water pooling on a roof can compress insulation, leading to a low spot, which leads to more roof ponding. Professional inspections can prevent this and more:

  • Increase roof life
  • Improve drainage
  • Identify potential leak hazards
  • Reduce energy costs

Monitoring Devices

Short of hiring someone to stand on the roof all day, you cannot guarantee your roof’s condition. Fortunately you can, with monitoring devices, keep an eye on the roof and spot flat roof ponding quickly. A roof sensor and an edge defense system can sense water loads while preventing dangerous falls.


At BELDON®, we recognize that no one person, whether facilities manager or roofing specialist, can do enough to keep a roof in prime condition. Our crews work in teams, and we feel the team approach is a good fit with customers. We recommend an ongoing partnership with your roofer so when you see water pooling on your roof, you know how to deal with it. The strategy involves four strands:

  1. Professional Inspections
  2. Monitoring Devices
  3. Engineering Adjustments
  4. Emergency Services

Professional Inspections

Arrange for regular (annual or biannual) flat roof inspections. A commercial roofer can recognize signs of flat roof ponding and help preserve your insulation, layers, and finish coat of your roof. Water pooling on a roof can compress insulation, leading to a low spot, which leads to more roof ponding. Professional inspections can prevent this and more:

  • Increase roof life
  • Improve drainage
  • Identify potential leak hazards
  • Reduce energy costs

Monitoring Devices

Short of hiring someone to stand on the roof all day, you cannot guarantee your roof’s condition. Fortunately you can, with monitoring devices, keep an eye on the roof and spot flat roof ponding quickly. A roof sensor and an edge defense system can sense water loads while preventing dangerous falls. Roof sensors use wireless connectivity to constantly scan your roof, detecting and monitoring water and snow loads. An alarm triggers a contact service, helping to avoid costly roof collapses and eliminate water pooling problems.

Engineering Adjustments

If the professional inspections find evidence of water pooling, BELDON Roofing Company expert, highly trained crews can perform basic engineering solutions, such as building up insulation to eliminate low spots, adding layers to built-up roofing, or providing waterproof coatings.

Emergency Services

When long-term strategies are cut short by emergency problems such as a leak or blunt force damage, BELDON Roofing Company‘s emergency response team can get to your roof quickly, eliminate the flat roof ponding problem, and stop the leak fast. Most roof repairs, including water ponding, can be remedied in a single visit.

Contact BELDON Roofing Company today. to begin forming a partnership that will not only help prevent roof ponding, but add years of useful life to your roof.

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