We all dream of maintenance free homes, so that we can enjoy our precious free time on activities we love. Want to find a way to enjoy a nearly maintenance-free home? Take a careful look at chores you really do dislike. Two that come to mind: paying utility bills and cleaning gutters. Here is how you can take them off your list:

Maintenance-Free Windows

Your windows may be adding to your bill-paying grief. Older windows are often so inefficient, they waste money by letting expensively treated interior air escape outside. In winter, this means properly moistened, warm air escapes, to be replaced by cold, dry air. This makes your furnace or boiler work harder, and raises your fuel bills. In summer, expensively cooled, dehumidified air escapes through drafty windows, driving up your electric bill.

To combat such energy loss through old windows, select custom windows expertly installed by BELDON® Home Solutions. These energy-efficient windows not only lock out drafts, they knock down bills.

A window is energy efficient if it does four things:

  • 1. Insulates your home (Air leakage)
  • 2. Minimizes heat loss from inside your home (U-factor)
  • 3. Prevents outside heat from entering (Solar Heat Gain Coefficient)
  • 4. Lets in plenty of natural light (Visible transmittance)

Get all four of these in the right amounts, and you will enjoy lower fuel and energy bills. Combine them with the easy-cleaning features of easy to use tilt-in or lift out sashes by BELDON® Custom windows, and you will have those nearly maintenance-free windows you’ve always wanted.

No-Maintenance Gutters

Clogged gutters can eat away at your home’s value. Water infiltration, foundation damage, and pests can all result from clogged gutters.

LeafGuard gutters prevent clogs, dirty gutters, and home damage. Since leaves, twigs, and litter do not enter the gutters, the gutters always run free and clean, with no maintenance needed. The integrated gutter hood keeps organic matter out and lets rain in, so there’s no need to climb a ladder and continuously check these gutters.

BELDON® Home Solutions and LeafGuard Gutter Systems can help you stay safe by reducing dangerous home maintenance. Extension ladders for cleaning gutters are risky to use, often putting homeowners twenty feet or more in the air. Folding ladders you drag around your lawn can also ruin your landscaping, wrench your back, and give you sore muscles.

Have a Question? Get in Touch with BELDON®

Need a hand with your Texas home’s roofing, gutters, or windows? Give us a call when you’re ready!

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